Yes, I'm thoroughly Canadianized now. I eventually got home from work yesterday and sat down to relax but a minute later, somehow found myself in a car full of hyped boys and loud music on the way to a hockey grand final. I went and cheered on the boys, with the rules being explained to me as the game progressed. I wish I could skate like that but the violence seems slightly excessive. The game ended with 4 goals to each side so our side lost. (I think it was something to do with having played the same team the night before and losing. I don't quite understand why they played the same team again in the grand final if they'd already lost to them . . . I'll put it down to Canadian logic, as I seem to do with anything I find strange here)
I did not much on the long weekend due to having an assignment due so I thought I'd better catch up on adventuring after work this evening. I missed the bus so I decided to walk the 1.5 hours home. About half way home I thought it would be fun to try getting lost so I caught a random bus running east and sat on it until almost no one was left on it. I did the true Laura thing of not registering what was going past the window, and the bus made enough turns that I didn't even know the direction I was facing when I got off on a random little back street over half an hour later. I walked in a random direction until I reached a major road, only to find that I was right near my work and had to begin the trip home all over again! That was quite a long trip home.